Start: St Arnaud
Finish: Red Hills Hut
Distance: 7km + 11km hitched

The day started with a lovely sleep in before a slow pack-up. We were hoping to hitch the road section so weren’t in too much of a hurry but after talking to Nick who said they waited 2.5 hours yesterday for a ride I did panic a little bit and when we were outside waiting we made the call to just start walking.

We hadn’t walked far when a lovely girl from Hamilton in her van who drove us to the 5-mile creek scenic reserve.

We started wandering through the forest, talking about how full our hearts are from all the socialising these past couple of days. It’s awesome meeting people along this walk because there’s no bullshit. Here I am with my hairy armpits and my greasy hair and people want to get to know me still. It’s amazing how real people are.

We wandered up the 4WD track and before we knew it the hut was right there in front of us.

We settled in and did some good stretches outside in the sun before a nice long nap to get ready for a big day tomorrow.