Start: Boyle Flat Hut
Finish: Anne Hut
Distance: 18km

We crossed the swingbridge back to the trail and continued through the tussock and forest to Rokeby Hut.

Before long we were climbing through the forest up to Anne Saddle (1136m) and then suddenly we were at the top.

The climb wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, although it was incredibly hot and humid. It definitely helped that the forest through here is stunning. All the trees have moss on them and the different shades of green are beautiful.

We descended down through the forest before emerging into the open valley and walking though head-high grass which made my hayfever flare up horrifically. I snuffled my way across the bridge and up the hill to see the hut.

We chatted to the couple of DOC workers here and the many SOBOs before heading to bed early for the big day tomorrow.